If you are serious about making a solid commitment to submit to a program to increase muscle mass, you must be very careful who you take advice. The Bodybuilding and fitness is literally a million dollar industry with new websites popping up everywhere every day.
Many of the so called "experts" really have no idea what they are talking about and are only motivated to publicize expensive pills, powder supplements and "miracle programs" in the audience who really do not need.
If you do not watch your step you may end up falling in some of these fatal errors for increasing muscle mass that literally destroy your progress. In this we will introduce you everything you need to know, with guests and our much proudest professional sports, as well as all information on national and international competitions interactively, and is really entertaining, this is total Bodybuilding radio broadcast .... Every Wednesday from 18.30 19.30 Curupayty Fm radio.
For those who can hear us live below you will find the links to the programs already issued
Ok, let's start!
Part 2
Part 3
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